Medway Soup Kitchen
Thank you Debbie Paula Louise Sandra & Trevor for once again creating a fantastic spread - including savoury mince, soup, delicious sandwiches, cakes and a huge box of fruit.
Once again we had a very busy evening and for once the weather was kind😉
There was lots of positive news being shared - the vulnerably housed gentleman from last week has received notice that he can now remain in his current accommodation for the time being, one of our homeless friends has been contacted by a member of their family after being estranged for years, and another has been given a place in a hostel (and is looking amazingly well ) We had 4 canine visitors - all were given food parcels and lots of love... and taken for walkies while their humans ate.....We've just received a lovely donation of dog coats (including a high-visibility one!) Unfortunately not everyone was having such a good week... One of our young homeless friends needed hugs and a good cry.. Their situation is getting to them, and they feel they have no hope of it improving.. We never claim to be able to solve their problems but we can provide a safe shoulder to cry on and an ear.
Much love and gratitude to our volunteers❤❤
Below is a blog written by our friend Izzy, who was visiting from Sunderland. .Please take a read and share . Thank you