Yorkshire Brrrrrrr

The temperature had dropped last night and it was a little chilly as we headed out
We had our new trollies which means we can carry more with us so we had tshirts etc for those who needed them.
Plenty of hot drinks and pot noodles handed out last night!!
We also helped an elderly chap who had found himself in a bit of a pickle and couldn’t get home. We found him shivering on a bench and gave him hot drinks whilst we made contact with his family who came to fetch him.
Whilst tending to this man we also came across a chap looking through bins for food and although not Homeless he had stumbled on hard times. We gave him food, drink and a listening ear.
So it’s not only the Homeless who find themselves in need. Anybody can fall on hard times and whilst we can’t sort their problems we can try to help.
Please share, thanks for reading