Wet Wet Maidstone

Saturday night was outreach night. Even though we are busy everyday doing work with venerable people, The reason we do outreach Saturdays and Sundays is that there isn’t many day centres open for the homeless to go to and find refuge if needed.
Last night was one of the wettest and the rain was the hardest I’ve ever done outreach in, Within 5 minuets Brian and I were soaked, but We knew that when we got home, we could get out of our wet clothing and change.
Luckily we had lots of drinks food and Clean dry socks. There isn’t much shelter when the rain is pouring and all you have is a shallow doorway, just imagine slipping in to a wet soggy sleeping bag and trying to sleep. Once Maidstone was done we headed over to Rochester and fed another 12 people. Most of them were very hungry. All of them had wet soggy shoes and cold wet feet. By the time we left they were a bit fuller and warmer. We can only keep doing this due to your incredible donations.
Tonight (Sunday) is the Medway soup kitchen. Another busy evening for our fabulous volunteers. The Good Will Out.
Please do a sun dance to keep the rain away. Xx