Medway Soup Kitchen
Medway - Soup Kitchen and more ..
The Soup Kitchen was extremely busy last Sunday - but our lovely volunteers handled the situation brilliantly! Special Thank you Paula Furniss-roe (always a star, who creates masterpieces from random produce) Sandra (more about this lovely lady later. .) Diane (cup cake queen) and everyone else who brought crisps/drinks etc.. especially Ron and Soo who are always thinking of others. A huge box of grapes and strawberries were on offer thanks to The Gateway in Brompton - they were the first things to go!! The warm weather and light evening helped to create a lovely atmosphere - everyone was relaxed and smiling, people who arrived late last week, made sure they were early this week! The delicious food was gratefully eaten, and food parcels created for those in need - we even had a box of fresh veg to distribute. New socks and toiletries were in high demand - several of our homeless friends immediately disposed of their socks and happily put new ones on ! Quite often books are donated so we are going to start offering a "mini library" .. get in touch if you have books to spare! The highlight for me was one of our homeless friends thrusting 4 beautiful daffodils in my hand "these are for you, to say thank you" - I had a tear in my eye! We saw nearly 70 people - we can't do this without our volunteers and your support - so THANK YOU!
A while ago Sandra, one of our ladies who cooks, had written to Jools Holland to tell him about our work - this week she presented us with a lovely letter he had written in response - with a donation for £100!! Thank you !
On Saturday it's the Pride in Medway finals (gulp) - We are looking forward to meeting the other finalists at the gala dinner & truly appreciate just having been nominated.
Don't worry, our Saturday Maidstone Outreach will go ahead as usual, with lovely Cadi, Chrissie and Eve taking the reins...