Happy Christmas

Xmas Eve - Medway Food in abundance, a Xmas grotto (with a reindeer!!), presents for all, and goodie bags to take away, this is how we do Xmas Eve! Vince Maple even came down to lend a hand - Not many people in politics would give up their Xmas Eve to help others in a car park in Chatham, so much respect to him. What was on offer tonight isn't a solution to homelessness and poverty, but it is a way of showing someone cares - and we are very fortunate to have an amazing team that care a great deal - everywhere I looked volunteers were chatting to guests, and there were lots of hugs! We are very grateful to everyone who volunteered and made tonight possible. There were many emotional moments - but the most touching was being handed a Xmas card by 2 of our homeless friends , thanking us all for our support. Priceless
In total, nearly 500 Xmas boxes have been donated!! The local hostels have received plenty for their residents, and the rest have been distributed in Medway, Maidstone, London and Yorkshire... your generosity has once again been outstanding. ❤❤
Thank you to Aldi UK for their enormous food donation - the surplus of which has been taken to 2 hostels in Medway
We wish you all a peaceful Christmas - Stay Safe TGWO. Liz & Darren