Happy New Year All
2017 has been quite a year.. The Yorkshire Branch started in January and is going from strength to strength - big thanks to Jayne & team and all who support them In London, Mike is still doing homeless outreach and distributing food to those in need on a daily basis - not to mention the children's clothing/toys/essentials he took to those affected by the Grenfell Tower disaster - despite ill health he still continues to support others ❤ In Maidstone our weekly outreach continues, - thank you to Darren, Chrissy & the team. In Medway, our Soup Kitchen continues to be very well attended plus Dogs on the Streets now join us monthly. There is an increasing demand for food parcels and essentials - we have been supporting the vulnerably housed and families in recent months. We have developed "Home Starter packs" for the newly housed and work closely with several housing providers. Alongside Nicky from Pathways Liz has formed the "Rough Sleeper" forum which aims to give the homeless a voice. We walked 50km to raise funds. We are currently running the Homeless Emergency Winter Refuge in Chatham... And (drum roll) we won the Pride in Medway Award!
None of this is possible without : A) volunteers, who work incredibly hard to provide a caring service - we are now proud to call them our friends B) everyone who supports us - we are not funded, we rely on donations and have been overwhelmed in 2017 by the generosity shown - we hope you will continue to support us in 2018 - we have lots of new, exciting plans!! 😉
Huge huge thanks to you all - and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR from all at One Big Family TGWO