Winter Refuge
Homeless Emergency Winter Refuge - As well as providing shelter, we can offer the guests a chance to get clean - washing feet is very...

Winter Refuge
MEDWAY - WINTER is here... The Homeless Emergency Winter Refuge is open for at least 3 nights this week - each night we have 4 overnight...

Shoe box appeal
The OBF Shoebox for a Stranger appeal starts here. Last year the response was overwhelming and boxes were distributed far and wide. Not...

One Big Family
Who are we & What do we do???? One Big Family was founded nearly 3 years ago by Darren & Liz Shaw, and is run ENTIRELY by a hugely...

It was a Pot Noodle kind of night last night. We wouldn’t always eat this as a food of choice but for the people we see it’s something...

Night Shelter
Emergency Homeless Winter Refuge - Medway Sunday November 12th With dipping temparatures we have had our inaugural night at the...

Soup To Soup
Soup to Soup 50km 28/10/17 - Round-Up After 15hours, 53km, a lot of blisters, some fantastic live footage (apologies for the colourful...

Busy outreach last night. That is not a good thing. It means people are becoming homeless. This can be down to circumstances such as...

Best Soup Kitchen strikes again...
Soup Kitchen Record Broken - Medway (a view from Philip Shannon ) More people turned up to this Sunday's Medway Soup Kitchen than ever...

So last night the last thing a wanted to do was drag my sorry backside on outreach, I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia and I was in...